CineSavant Column

Tuesday August 13, 2024



I tell ya, its great to have good friends. Photographer, electronics engineer and amateur 3-D printer jockey Allan Peach likes the CineSavant logo, and a while back made me a 3-D sign, which I showed off in these pages.

A couple of weeks back he did it again, only fancier … he may be on his third 3-D printer by now. You can see the impressive result for yourself. It lives behind my work desk and it even keeps good time … after years of digital readouts, I’m going to be reading an old fashioned dial clock again.



Here’s something new from the elusive Correspondent ‘B.’ — America’s National Parks have a fun semi-morbid toy on sale, and it looks like a bargain. It’s the perfect snuggly plush toy for people 70 years and older, who remember atom drills in grade school.

It’s Bert from the famous Duck and Cover cartoon immortalized in  The Atomic Cafe. He’s pretty cute, but we can’t tell how big he is.

He’s up for sale — what a patriotic toy!  Tell ’em CineSavant sent you.

Bert the Turtle Plush

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson