CineSavant Column

Tuesday February 16, 2021



It looks like both Charlie Largent and I drew disc reviews of great movies this week — I was very pleasantly surprised by “Doc”. I know the disc won’t be out for another month but I felt like writing about it now. Today’s review posting is a bit late because of an outside project … so please accept CineSavant’s non-apology apology. Not all timing works out.

My sole column item today comes courtesy of David J. Schow, who would seem to be just as big a fan of maladroit Sci-fi favorites as am I. It’s a funny ourculture article by Christopher Stewardson and its title needs no explanation: In Defence of Reptilicus. Ourculture’s artwork is by Revised Fiasco Design. For some reason I see that picture and the English spelling and it keeps reading, ‘Reptilicus Is On The Fence.’

I promise, no more Reptilicus– related links this year!

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson