Hatari! — 4K 01/25/25

KL Studio Classics
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray

Howard Hawks’ relaxed ’60s filmmaking style saw everything as a 2 hour-plus man’s world Time Out for Fun. This Africa is a heaven where boss males lord it over creation and express their macho souls around jungle cats like Elsa Martinelli. John Wayne is a great safari vacation guide; the action cinematography in pursuit of animals is breathtaking and Henry Mancini’s music turns the veldt into one big cocktail lounge. Reviewer Charlie Largent asks if Hawks’ gallery of tough professionals make the grade: Hardy Kruger in his short-shorts, Red Buttons groveling for another Oscar, Gérard Blain, Bruce Cabot, Valentín de Vargas. Get yer baby elephants walkin’, in 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray from KL Studio Classics.