From Hollywood to Heaven: The Lost and Saved Films of the Ormond Family 06/24/23
Powerhouse Indicator
Region Free Blu-ray
Meet The Reverend Estus Pirkle! Reviewer Charlie Largent brings us the lowdown on one of the strangest disc collections ever — the Ormond clan turned from homemade exploitation filmmaking to homemade moral-religious films, cornering the market on weird extremism. The four discs contain scores of features — output that includes crazy fare like Please Don’t Touch Me, The Exotic Ones, The Burning Hell, It’s About The Second Coming and If Footmen Tire You What Will Horses Do? Author Jimmy McDonough has major input; the extra biographical films and text are the real treasure here. Presented by Nicolas Winding Refn, on Region Free Blu-ray from Powerhouse Indicator.