Savant Column

Saturday September 23, 2017


Gary Teetzel comes across with the quality links today: a video piece from Talkin’ Toons with Rob Paulsen is self-explanatory: John DiMaggio Does Bender as HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. There’s no reason somebody can’t cut these lines into the film !

Gary also forwards this link (reportedly discovered by Steve Haberman) from the Les archives de la RTS page, to Films d’épouvante: Horror!, a twenty-minute film by Pierre Koralnik from 1964. Gary’s introduction says it all:

“Here’s a French docu on horror films with a ton of great, rare footage — the only drawback is it’s all narrated in the French language. It has an interview with Karloff, a brief chat with Roy Ashton (who speaks French), behind-the-scenes footage on the set of Roger Corman’s Masque of the Red Death, an on-set interview with Corman and Price, and behind-the-scenes footage from the making of The Gorgon, including Prudence Hyman being made up, and walking downstairs to the set carrying a long hose that, I imagine, controlled the snakes. It’s also nice to see a little of the physical layout of Hammer’s Bray Studios on film, instead of just in still photos. So grab a friend who speaks French.”

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson