Savant Column

Saturday September 16, 2017


I haven’t read any web rants lately about the ‘death’ of disc media for home video, yet I give thanks to Michael Blanton of the Facebook Film Forum for this link to Danielle Kogan’s brief, positive web article from Courier Life’s Brooklyn Daily:  Disk connection: Film Noir Cinema still rents movies, hosts shows.  Being a Californian, ‘Leonard Street in Greenpoint’ means nothing to me, but wherever it is it sounds like the place to go.

On the  Warner Archive Collection’s Facebook page  appeared this well-written rebuttal to rumors that a new restoration of Howard Hawks’  The Thing From Another World  is on the way. I’m not sure it’s possible to link to an individual FB post, so I’ve copied it here, until I’m told to take it down. Is a new disc in the works? The answer is that it ain’t so, in no uncertain terms:

Looking back at the Wade Williams HTF post that started it all, a close reading convinces me that the post may have been a mistake, that it’s a repeat of a post from 2003: The ‘ten years ago’ reference makes sense with that timing, as does Wade’s reference to a new DVD coming out. I just thought I would undo whatever harm I’d done by passing on the ‘news’ of a new restoration … several readers were enthused enough to write in minutes after I’d posted last Tuesday.

And finally, critic-filmmaker David Cairns takes an amusing look at Tobe Hooper’s  Lifeforce  today (9/16), over at his  Shadowplay  page. David writes on a different plane of film criticism entirely.

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson