Visitors from the Arkana Galaxy 09/16/23

Deaf Crocodile / Vinegar Syndrome

Croatian animation wizard Dušan Vukotić co-wrote and directed this Sci-fi comedy that gently elbows the genre. It unspools like a children’s film for adults, teasing nudity, exaggerated violence, etc.. The Fun and Games play with a Philip K. Dick idea — the fertile mind of a frustrated Sci-fi writer can morph reality. The aliens he imagines become real, turning his romantic life upside down. It’s sincere, droll, and more than a little eccentric. Oh, and don’t forget the huge, slimy Mumu Monster created by cult figure Jan Svankmajer, that likes to rip off heads. The release carries 5 of Vukotić’s excellent Zagreb Film short subjects, including his 1961 Oscar winner Surogat.On Blu-ray from Deaf Crocodile Films.