The Jetsons: The Complete Original Series 10/19/19

The Warner Archive Collection

It says the complete original series, which is really the 24 episodes of its one season back in 1962-63. This show stayed around so long in syndication that I can hardly believe it was all over before JFK went to Dallas. Hanna-Barbera’s space age answer to The Flintstones plays best as a radio show — the jazzy soundtrack is sensational, especially the sleek title sequence (which is mostly all I saw back in the day, anyway). Charlie Largent gives this ’60s milestone the full cultural perusal, in the context of the ‘flaky futurism’ that so distorted our baby boomer vision. With George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Rosie, Astro and Cosmo Spacely, all in bright color. And a big cheer for voice talent Penny Singleton, and George O’Hanlon of ‘Joe McDoakes,’ Park Row and Kronos. On Blu-ray from The Warner Archive Collection.