Lady in a Cage 02/08/22
Viavision [Imprint] (Region-Free)
Is this any way to treat Olivia de Havilland? James Caan and his low-life adult delinquent cronies trap her in an elevator and torment her for days — a sadistic exercise in exploitation motivated by the ’60s ‘hag horror’ cycle. The lady victimized by a homeless wino (Jeff Corey) a prostitute (Ann Sothern) and several ‘kids’ looking for kicks. Is it cheap thrills at the expense of Melanie Hamilton, or a stirring treatise on the shame of the ‘new, Godless permissiveness?’ Reviewer Charlie Largent searched his soul for the answers. We think Ms. de Havilland had the final laugh: ‘Hag Horror?’ — she’s only 48 here, and lived 56 years more. On Blu-ray from Viavision [Imprint].