CineSavant Column

Tuesday January 16, 2018


It’s links! And they’re ALIVE! Joe Dante has circulated a link to a ‘cool BBC radio hour on the origins and legacy of Frankenstein,’ which is comin’ at ya via a link cleverly entitled Archive on 4 Frankenstein Lives!

Correspondent Ed Sullivan has found something great at Vimeo, Brian Reddin’s hour-long 2015 documentary of a great actor: Robert Shaw – Jaws, Deoch & Deora. One of the interview subjects is the actress Sarah Miles.

In terms of incoming discs, we here at CineSavant Central are hotly awaiting Arrow’s Le Streghe aka The Witches. And Criterion’s newsletter just announced that an April Eclipse disc set will contain six Ingrid Bergman pictures made in Sweden before her leap to Hollywood, The Count of the Old Town, Walpurgis Night, Intermezzo, Dollar, A Woman’s Face and June Night.

Also, Gary Teetzel informs me that Arrow has announced a forthcoming release of G.W. Pabst’s 1932 fantasy Die Herrin von Atlantis / L’Atlantide with Brigitte Helm, one picture I’ve narrowly missed for 40 years. Helms’ Antinea is the all-powerful queen of a lost kingdom under the desert. I don’t think she is supposed to be immortal, but Antinea inherited some customs from her good-lookin’ forerunner Ayesha: kept on display in a secret subterranen gallery is a collection of Antinea’s former lovers, all embalmed and standing in a row like statues.

I wonder which language version will be released? Is my memory correct that producer Seymour Nebenzal repurposed some of L’Atlantide’s more grandiose scene seventeen years later for his Universal semi-remake Siren of Atlantis with Maria Montez? And what exactly is in that basement room my wife keeps locked, that she says I’ll be able to see when she gets really, really fed up with me?

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson