CineSavant Column

Saturday December 4, 2021



This grabs my attention: the hot item in my radar at this particular instant. Lovers of great screen horror will want to know about Arrow’s special edition of Giorgio Ferroni’s Mill of the Stone Women, which is my idea of a highly desirable possession.

I’ll be reviewing it right away but wanted to get this notice out today, just in case shipments from afar will take longer than usual this December. Scilla Gabel leads a great cast in a show that looks a genuine classic in this pristine, uncut presentation, in superb color, in several languages. Even the artwork is gorgeous — Nuff said!



For seventeen years I did a complicated ‘best of’ yearly article that more or less proved nothing … my top ten rounded off to a top twenty – plus. It was a week’s work, and it probably irked the vendors when my favorite for the year was some obscure item. So for the past few seasons I’ve been doing this instead.

Here’s my roundup of the top titles that stirred CineSavant’s inner juices this year, more or less in order of review. It’s just a hindsight shakedown of the discs I’d grab first if CineSavant headquarters were to be overrun by a zombie horde, or unwanted holiday visitors. Each ought to be a functioning link to the original review-essay.

Thanks for reading!