CineSavant Column
I’ve cleverly swiped a link from correspondent David J. Schow, to an Edit Room Floor photo article featuring new snaps from a Hollywood Point Blank Wrap Party. We see director John Boorman — who looks very young — but the other invitees are mostly other alpha male stars associated with action pictures — Charles Bronson, Warren Oates. David also recommends snooping around the Edit Room Floor Home page, for other interesting images from everything from Sergio Leone to George Lucas movies. The one above ↑ is Sam Peckinpah and Steve McQueen on the set of The Getaway.
CineSavant reviewer and advisor Lee Broughton has some news: his book The Euro-Western: Reframing Gender, Race and the ‘Other’ in Film has just been published in a paperback edition from Bloomsbury Academic. European westerns upped the violence quotient, but Lee’s book examines the assertion that the European western strongly influenced the depiction of Native Americans, African Americans and women as well. Sir Christopher Frayling’s testimonial lauds Broughton’s analysis of the movies A Town Called Bastard and Hannie Caulder.
Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson