CineSavant Column

Saturday March 9, 2019


This year’s Noir City Hollywood Festival of Film Noir kicks off its 21st year at the American Cinematheque starting on March 29 and running through April 7. All the shows will be hosted by Eddie Muller and/or Alan K. Rode of the Film Noir Foundation. The continuing theme this year combines ‘A’ noirs with ‘B’ features, and the more interesting show is often the ‘B’. Trapped is a new 35mm restoration and not on videodisc. The FNF spells out the presentation formats for us: Playgirl is a new digital remaster and Monkey on my Back is 35mm from a private film collector. The opening night comes with a pre-show reception and photo opportunities with ‘Vintage Coppers’ and their noir-era appropriate police cars.

And friend Craig Reardon points us to a good, short BFI video interview with Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood on 2001. They get into some nice talk about working within Kubrick’s complicated effects setups. The two actors certainly look… different, reminding us of how much time has passed. My own mind’s eye image of myself as I am now, is how I was then.

Thanks for reading! — Glenn Erickson