Saturday September 16, 2017


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Welcome to the new home of what was formerly DVD Savant, now transmogrified into CineSavant. It will still be home to more review opinionizing tilted toward film fans that want the lowdown on what’s coming on (mostly) disc-borne home video. The new entity CineSavant is a stand-alone page, and new reviews will still premiere through the kind auspices of Trailers From Hell. Note the nifty new logo by Charlie Largent. The old name and logo isn’t going away either, mainly because it’s so well known. As you can see CineSavant comes in a new more bloggy format that’s going to be a lot less work.

I’ll be reviving old features and putting up new ones as fast as I can, as independence breeds plenty of rash, half-baked ideas! Already up are full review indexes (indices?) for the 5,500 Savant reviews and articles, including the ones posted at TFH and World Cinema Paradise from the last two years. Also note that there’s a new URL and a new email address to update. Wish me luck, fellow well-wishers! Thank you kindly — and please write!

Savant’s new reviews today are: